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Version 2021.10

Welcome to the October 2021 release of YouSolution.Cloud. There are many updates in this version that we hope you will like.

New features

  • Storable messages
  • Improved Import/Export sync plans with the possibility to import and export also the Node-RED flows
  • Restyling Sync Plan's Queues page
  • Restyling Statistics page
  • Restyling Login and Select Company pages
  • Restyling User List, Create User and Update User pages
  • Support user
  • Test Company
  • The possibility to resynchronize all the documents with ResyncAll
  • Core scalability
  • The possibility to sort the fields of the tables (Companies and Users)
  • LogId on documents for debug
  • Improved general performances

Notable fixes

  • Overlapping error dialogs
  • Bug on the filters in the Companies, Users and Sync Plans pages
  • Not showing synchronization error in the document
  • Retry doesn't wait for the set time
  • Send duplicate messages
  • The box of compilation errors disappears when moving between editor pages